Terms and conditions of website use


This website (www.brysonhillsperu.com) is the exclusive property of Bryson Hills Peru S.A. (ahead Bryson Hills). The entry to, or registration on this Website, grants the natural and / or legal person the character of user of the Website (hereinafter “User”) whose use is free, being from that moment subject to the terms and conditions that They are detailed below (hereinafter “Terms and Conditions”).

It is the User’s responsibility to read the Terms and Conditions, since entering or registering on this Website implies that they expressly accept what is established in it. If the User does not agree with these Terms and Conditions, he must refrain from entering and registering on this Website. Therefore, if the User refers to ignorance of these Terms and Conditions, it will not imply the non-application of the provisions and clauses contained therein.



To request a guided visit to the Ciudad Industrial Huachipa Este, a project owned by Bryson Hills, it is necessary that the User has previously registered on the Website, under the fields indicated in the following clause, from which time they will be understood by accepted the Terms and Conditions.

Bryson Hills reserves the right to modify and update the Terms and Conditions at any time, unilaterally, without prior notice and at its sole discretion.



To register as a User on the Website, the registration form must be completed in all its fields with valid data and personal information, which will include the following:

  1. Full name.
  2. Cellphone number.
  3. Email address (corporate in the case of companies).
  4. Number of Identity Document or Unique Taxpayer Registry.
  5. Company name.
  6. Message

To register as a User, it is an essential requirement that, in the case of a natural person or representative of a company, you are of legal age, so on the date you register you must have reached 18 years of age.

Bryson Hills reserves the right to request the User additional information and documentation to support the information provided for registration purposes. In this sense, Bryson Hills may deny, suspend or cancel the registration, in case it considers that the information that has been provided is not exact, detects inconsistencies or there are indications of suspicious activities or contrary to the Laws of Peru or any other jurisdiction, these Terms and Conditions or the internal policies of Bryson Hills.

All information that the User provides to Bryson Hills for its registration will be understood to be delivered as a sworn statement and with the commitment to keep it updated, due to this, the User is solely responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the information provided to Bryson Hills for these purposes.



In application of the privacy policies, Bryson Hills makes known to the public that accesses the Website, our commitment to the protection of your personal data, as well as the guidelines under which we carry out the treatment of them in the exercise of our commercial activities. , this in application of the provisions of Law No. 29733 -Personal Data Protection Law and its Regulations.

The purpose of the website is to publicize the real estate offered by Bryson Hills and provide information about them, as well as to provide all kinds of binding information that we believe may be of interest to specify a potential transfer of ownership and to create a space communication for Users. Bryson Hills carries out its policy for the treatment of personal data of users in accordance with the guiding principles established in Law No. 29733 – Personal Data Protection Law.

The processing of personal data for any other lawful purpose other than those mentioned above will be duly informed to the holders of said personal data, requiring a specific authorization, in compliance with the principle of consent.

Bryson Hills can safeguard all or part of the processing of personal data of which it is responsible for the treatment or that are part of the personal data banks of which it is the owner, to legitimate providers for the fulfillment of its business activities, which is located in the Peru, for purposes of processing, equipment and technological solutions.

Bryson Hills will require the free, prior, express, unequivocal and informed consent of the owner of the personal data for the treatment thereof, except in the cases of exception expressly established by law.

Bryson Hills will not require consent to process your personal data obtained from sources accessible to the public, free or not for the use for which they were made public; Likewise, it may process your personal data or from non-public sources, provided that said sources have your consent to process and transfer said personal data.



By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the User agrees with all the aspects set out in this document and authorizes us to process their personal data for the purposes set out above.



The Bryson Hills Web Privacy Policy has come into effect since March 2021. Bryson Hills reserves the right to modify its Web Privacy Policy in the event that there is a change in current legislation, doctrinal, jurisprudential or by its own business criteria. If any change is made to this Policy, the new text will be published on this same website. Users are recommended that, under their responsibility, periodically access the Web Privacy Policy that they will find on this same Website, since any update of the Terms and Conditions will be binding on all Users.



Bryson Hills makes every effort to provide the most current and accurate information on this Website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, on some occasions you may incur errors or omissions. In such hypotheses, Bryson Hills will not be responsible for the direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special damage that arises from the use of the information contained in this Website.

All information that is published on this Website, which includes, but is not limited to, graphics, texts and references to other pages, is provided “as is” and is subject to possible modifications without prior notice. The information referred to is provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, a business guarantee and the like or to be free from all computer viruses.

Bryson Hills does not guarantee, in any case, the sufficiency, accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this website, therefore it will not assume any kind of responsibility for errors or omissions that may be incurred. Visitors are entirely responsible for verifying and evaluating the accuracy, completeness, and usefulness of any information available from this website.

Bryson Hills does not guarantee a free and interrupted service of this page, but it does declare its willingness to make efforts that, within reason, allow it to be available for as long as possible.



All the contents included in the Website, such as texts, graphic material, logos, button icons, source code, images, audio clips, digital downloads and data compilations, are the property of Bryson Hills or of third parties and are protected by the Peruvian and international laws on intellectual property.

The graphic materials, logos, page headers, advertising phrases, button icons, written texts and name of services included in this site are trademarks, creations or commercial images of Bryson Hills.

Such trademarks, creations and commercial images may not be used in connection with any product or service that may create confusion among customers and in any way that disparages or discredits Bryson Hills. All other trademarks not owned by Bryson Hills that appear on this website belong to their respective owners.

All rights not expressly granted in these Terms and Conditions are reserved by Bryson Hills or its assignees, suppliers, publishers, rights holders or other content providers.

No product, image or sound may be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited or exploited for any purpose, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Bryson Hills.

No framing or framing techniques may be used to enclose any Bryson Hills trademark, logo, or other proprietary or proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or form) without prior written consent.

Improper use of the Website or these trademarks, licenses or patents is prohibited. The foregoing, without prejudice to the exceptions expressly indicated in the Law.



This site is protected by current regulations on copyright. All the rights involved, such as its content and its visual design, are owned by Bryson Hills, so its use, modification, reproduction, distribution, transmission or commercialization of the rights involved without prior permission is strictly prohibited. , expressly and in writing by Bryson Hills, except in the cases of appointment rights, employment for educational purposes and other recognized fair uses.

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